6 tips for finding an IT service firm

6 Tips for Finding an IT Service Company

How to find an IT service firm for your small business.

Finding a good IT tech service firm for your business is essential. In this day and age, no one can afford to be down for any length of time. It is especially important for small businesses that may not have the need or budget to hire a full-time, onsite IT person or department.

So, how do you go about searching for the right firm that will fit your needs? We’ve put together a list of 6 frequent questions and given you answers that should help make the search less painful.

1. What is their expertise?

You want the firm to be experts, but not just any experts. They must understand your particular field and type of network, along with the unique challenges that go along with them. Remember, every project comes with its own challenges, and you want a firm that will be ready to handle all contingencies.

2. What is their experience?

There’s really no more important quality than experience. Find a company that knows the drill because they’ve responded before. Again, you want a firm that has experience in your area. This will help minimize day-to-day challenges and also be vital in the event of a critical problem.

3. What is their reputation?

This is when you need to do your research. Find out the company’s background. How long have they been in business? What are their specialties? Are they really capable of developing the solutions they claim? What do their customers say about them? Make sure to look for any reports or complaints that have been filed about them.

4. Are their tech people certified?

Another very important question…Find out if the firm’s technicians are certified. If so, you need to know what kind of certifications they have. For instance, do they have experience with your network or product? According to The Business Journals, “Industry groups have general certifications, while major vendors such as Cisco System, Microsoft, and Oracle certify techs on a particular brand of products.”

5. What are your needs?

This is a question you need to answer. You can find a great tech firm, but they may not fit your needs. Figure out your goal with technology. Is it for general service or troubleshooting if/when the server goes down, or do you need something more comprehensive? Do you want your business to be more efficient? Do you have multiple offices in different locations that need to be connected by one communication system? Answer these questions and you will have a better idea of what to look for in a tech firm.

6. What about price?

It’s tempting to go with a company that charges the least, but use caution. According to IT Direct, “Try to take a holistic view of the costs involved whenever possible. Assess a consultant’s entire approach to your solution, including equipment, design and support. Although one proposal may initially look more expensive than another, it may turn out to be cheaper in the long run.”

As The Business Journals says, “Don’t just go for the cheapest or easiest solution, but one that will really help you reach your goals as a company.”

Some questions to ask of potential firms

If you want to determine if a firm will be a good fit, you’ll have to ask them questions. Here are a few to start:

  • How long has your company been in business?
  • Has your company worked with other businesses in my industry?
  • What is your communication process?
  • What services and solutions do you provide?
  • Can I talk to previous customers?


Hopefully, these answers will give you a better idea of how to go about finding and vetting IT service firms. With more than 33 years of expertise, Consultis has the solution for your IT staffing needs. Whether you’re looking for one full-time or contract IT expert, or need an entire team for a large-scale project, we can find a solution for your business.

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