Recruiting Top IT Talent Takes More Than a 401K Plan

Recruiting Top IT Talent Takes More Than a 401K Plan

Ways To Attract The Best New Hires in IT

The competition to attract top IT talent is fierce, especially in today’s market when there is not enough talent to go around. A Society for Human Resources article reports that “Sixty-one percent of CIOs in a survey said it is ‘somewhat challenging” or “very challenging’ to find skilled IT professionals…IT positions are also taking longer to fill. Half of tech-focused hiring managers said the time to fill open positions lengthened.”

Whether it’s an experienced IT looking to move from one job to another or someone just entering the workforce, it is likely that several companies are vying for that person. It used to be that standard benefits like 401K and other retirement plans were big perks for new employees, but that’s not the case anymore. Those “perks” carried more weight in a time when employees might expect to work with one company their entire career. According to an Entrepreneur article, those days are long gone. “…The ‘lifetime employment’ model is pretty well obsolete…most people see their current jobs as stepping-stones – a two- to three-year transformational role at best.”

Most IT job seekers are looking for something beyond a retirement plan. It’s not just the much-talked-about “millennials” who are guiding this sea change; it’s all employees. Other “perks” are becoming as important – maybe even more important – than retirement plans.

1. Competitive salary

Since there is likely to be competition for trained, experienced IT professionals, you must be prepared to offer a competitive salary that correlates with the cost of living in your area. Keep in mind that a salary that seems generous in one part of the country might be barely enough to survive in another.

According to a Forbes article, “…More than 50% of recruiters couldn’t fill positions because of salary guidelines. If candidates have the opportunity to make $10,000 more per year with your competition, consider how much you would spend training a less qualified candidate.”

2. Pay increases or bonuses

This goes along with a good starting salary. New prospects want to know they won’t get stuck in a job at the same salary, with no room to go up. So, make it clear that their work will be rewarded. Talk openly about your job review policy, including how often reviews happen, and what kind of pay increases or bonuses they might expect.

3. Opportunities for growth and promotions

Employees want to know that yours is a company that can lead to a long-time career. This might be especially important to a younger worker, but it can also apply to anyone. Think about it…why would anyone sign on to work with you, if they know there is no chance of moving up in the company?

4. Recognition by management and peers

There is a reason why so many sports teams, schools, and organizations give out awards to everyone. While the practice may have come under fire for its excess, it’s also important to remember the reason why we give out awards. Quite simply, people like to feel appreciated, especially by those who have the power to help their careers.

5. Better work-life balance

Our high-tech world of smartphones and instant communication is great, but it has also made it harder to leave work behind. Today’s employees want to work hard, but they also want to be able to enjoy quality time with family or doing things they’re passionate about. This is a concept that rings true for many millennials, however, other generations of workers are also coming to understand that there must be a balance in order to have a more fulfilling life. If your company has flexible hours, work-from-home options, or other bonuses, talk openly about that. Or discuss other ways your company understands that there is life outside the office.

6. State why your company is the best fit for them

You must be able to highlight and sell your company’s strengths and culture to prospective employees. For instance, your office might be in an up-and-coming area that might appeal to young, single workers or a neighborhood with good schools, low taxes, or housing. Perhaps the company structure is one where the ideas of even the youngest employees are taken seriously. Know the perks of being either a large corporation or a small business, and be prepared to articulate them in a way that sells your company.

Finding top technology talent in today’s competitive market can be challenging. It’s critical that your company offerings are attractive enough to make you stand out from the competition. At Consultis, we’ve spent more than 32 years connecting clients and talent to ensure the perfect fit. Contact us today for insight into how you can attract the best talent for your organization.