When planning for a new project, include the cost of hiring new staff
Your budget for a new project appears to have all the important components, but did you remember to add the cost of hiring a technology specialist?
Maybe you think that one of your employees can step up and enfold the new responsibilities as part of his or her regular tasks. Chances are, however, it’s not your staff member’s area of expertise. So, in the long run, your employee or “a guy who knows a guy who knows a guy” will end up pushing you far over your project’s budget.
Tackle this potential issue from the get-go. When you plan on a new project, include the cost of hiring a dedicated person to help complete the project. Here’s why.
A smoother process
When you hire a technology consultant who knows the work needed, you have a greater shot of having your project run smoothly. Goals have a better shot of being met on time and on budget because you don’t have to worry about extra time in explaining necessary tasks or revising amateur work.
A smoother process means less wasted time, and that translates to a better ROI for you.
Core competencies met
In the attempt to save money, you may turn to employees or hastily choose referrals to be part of your project. But how will you know whether this person has the skill set needed to accomplish the tasks demanded of this role?
When you partner with a technical solutions provider, you get to be very specific in choosing the consultants and roles for your project. You worry less and spend more time focusing on getting the project done because you can trust the person to meet the requirements of the position.
You get peace of mind and save money.
Running right out of the gate
When you give an employee additional tasks, you have to spend valuable time getting him up to speed. However, when you hire IT talent from an outside agency, you can have that consultant dive head first into the project.
For example, say you wanted to hire someone to build an extra room in your house. You wouldn’t buy all the materials and then skimp on the price of a contractor. If you go too cheaply, you might end up with an inexperienced contractor who ends up wasting the materials, needs to purchase more and more materials to cover up mistakes, prolongs the process of building that room, and produces shoddy results. And if you hired a friend of a friend, you’d have the same problem, with the addition of emotions in the mix.
Instead, you’d want to hire someone right off the bat who you know can do a good job or who comes highly recommended. And you’d want to be able to rely on that expertise to have a project done well and smoothly from the very beginning.
At project end, you’d be able to see exactly how much time and money you spend on your contractor as well as materials cost and to prove the ROI of your project.
Avoiding the unseen costs
If you burden a staff member with additional duties for a project, it’ll be difficult to get a read on the exact ROI of your project.
You won’t know exactly when this staff member is focusing on your current project or working on other responsibilities vital to the company. This employee may accrue additional costs here and there, but the lines between what’s the project and what the regular job is may be blurred.
However, when you recruit technology talent specifically for your project, you’ll know that this person is 100% dedicated to the project, and all costs accrued from hiring this person are part of your budget. And you can better prove the ROI from hiring such talent.
Finding the best technology team members for a project can be hard─if you do it on your own. Fortunately, we can help. Consultis has spent more than 32 years developing strong relationships with both our clients and our talent, so that everyone finds the perfect fit. Contact us today to see how we can help.
Author’s Bio
Dana is a Branch Manager at Consultis for our South Florida Branch, and she took quite an interesting path to get here. She grew up in Florida playing Junior Olympic Fast Pitch Softball. She started the first 4 years of her career as an On-Air Personality named Dancin’ Dana, and dreamt of one day becoming a MTV VJ like Carson Daly. After realizing that she would have to move up the cold to make this reality, she decided to become a Marketing Manager working for Miller Brewing Company. That job brought her back down to Florida. She then fell into staffing in 2008, and jumped in the Consultis pond in 2016. She works hard for her clients, and does so with a fun & energetic personality. She’s often heard rapping and dancing in our office and even kept the on-air name, and is known as DancingFISH at Consultis.